Tuesday 1 January 2013

A New Beginning

Well, January 1st seems like as good a day as any to start the new blog! A new year, a new me!

You will have to excuse the cheesy and obvious first post title, as terrible as it is, it really does sum up how I feel. I am ready to make a fresh start, create a new portfolio, learn new skills, take on the art world and document the whole process here!

With that said here is the plan of action with regards to the blog: I intend to make a post at least once a week (every Sunday but ideally more often!), share my art journey with anyone willing to join me and hopefully help a few people out along the way!

So by now you must be thinking..."Ok, ok, we get it, a fresh start, but how are you actually going to go about the work?!" Well that is a fantastic question and I'm so glad you asked!

My focus will be on my main passion which is 3D environment art whilst dabbling in extra skills that I have always wanted to try/should have continued to practice over the years. I think I will break down the next 12 months into four main environment projects with a few weeks here and there for contingency. I will ensure that all work is used as often as possible by using it to create my own texture and asset library (more details soon!). I also plan to break the environment projects up with smaller projects in ZBrush.

Thank you for putting up with my waffle, the next post will outline my portfolio plan and how I intend to keep libraries so I can reuse assets!

As a great man once said:

"It's time to (Pixel)Suit up!"


  1. Whoo! we wanna see some art!

  2. Thanks Rowan! I have made a new post and I promise the next one will have some art planning in it. Thanks for stopping by!
