Thursday 24 January 2013

Eagles Rest

The time has come to reveal my first project for the new portfolio, Eagles Rest. For a long time now I have wanted to create a modular, medieval settlement environment and I believe now is as good of a time as any. Originally the idea was to create a small town environment, using as few tiling textures as possible, this sounds great but not quite challenging enough and not something that would stand out in a portfolio. After stumbling across a fantastic concept from Fable 2 (see the main image in the 'Location/Setting image below), I knew I had to use it as a major influence in the project. I will use this as a main layout but I will change certain aspects in order to fit with this project. So after some thought I have come up with a short back story to help with the planning of the settlement:

Settlers searching for a new home stumble across an isolated piece of land overlooked by, what they believe to be, an ancient statue of an eagle. Driven by their belief in their eagle God, they decided this is to be their new home.

In the past I have jumped into a project too fast, without careful planning and style guides but this is a new start! Inspired by some fantastic members on Polycount ( is a fantastic forum for digital artists!) I have included four starting images which briefly outline key elements of this project. I plan to create a few more of these pages (which I hope to upload in the next few days) but the two next biggest elements are a top down map of the area and then a 3D block out to properly plan the settlement out.

Thanks for reading, I hope to see you back here soon!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome stuff man, I'm really digging the art style and the layout of planning. Keep it up!
